The Leaper Lid Recipe page.
Here is exactly how the hat was made.
Go to Coventry West (no affiliation) and go to "accessories and gifts".
1 #JAG3293 Silver finish Jaguar leaper key chain with quick release ring.
Remove Leaper from key chain, file off the loop flat and square, and
solder it to a flat metal tab: A reasonably stiff piece of brass or steel
1/4 to 3/8" wide and 1" long can be used.
Because the Leaper is made of chrome-plated pewter you MUST solder it
carefully with a low melting-point solder such as 63/37, the type used by
electronics people, or with a low-melting bismuth-tin solder.
We used hot melt adhesive. Coat the bottom of the tab with glue. Put a small slit in the brim of the cap and insert tab with pre-applied glue. After
insertion, an iron can be used to melt the adhesive inside the structure of
the visor. This bonds the strip to the brim's cardboard lining; a little
oozes out and anchors the cloth as well. Too much will make a little
stain, but it is in the Leaper's shadow.
There you have it. A well-balanced, swank looking Jaguar hat that will be the envy of all your neighbors. This prototype was created August, 2000. Why not be the second person in the world to have one?
1 #JAG4392 New Era embroidered hat with gold leaper on front and growler on
right side. Green and white, adjusts via plastic strap.
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